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Reflections on Self-Publishing
Reflections on Self-Publishing [2024]: Year Five, Geneva Health Files
(In no particular order of importance)
Own your voice
Business development is nearly everything
While journalism is not mincing words, entrepreneurship is biting your tongue
Journalism is the soul of the business, it is why media entrepreneurs wake up everyday
Focus, focus, focus
Diversify content
Diversify revenues
Bring in guest contributors to cross-pollinate audiences and readership
Be bold: it matters, it counts
Standing up is more important than standing out
Be brutal with time management
Seek time with humility
Interrupt less (does not come naturally to reporters)
Read more, write less
The big picture matters as much as details
People want to know what you are thinking (mostly)
It is fine to take positions
Rely on expertise for business development
Make strategic hires
Look at audiences with their specificities, not only as reader-revenue targets
More analysis
Stretch a little more to lift content
Push back! It is ok for journalists to have “an attitude”
Journalism conferences are worth the effort
Humor diffuses (nearly) everything
Accept your limitations
Walk away from burning deadlines
Sleep early, rise early
Say no, more often
Brainstorm with peers
Balancing motherhood and media entrepreneurship is not a walk in the park
See here for more.
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