We strive to be the most trusted source of global health journalism. Donor contributions are important in nurturing our initiative even as we strive to become self-reliant. Our goal is to promote public engagement in global health decision-making by providing an authoritative forum for discussion.
Investigative Journalism
Educational Workshops
Diversity in Voices
Woman-led Initiative
Geneva is the nerve-center of global health, where public and private interests converge to exert their influence in shaping policy-making. Our journalism takes a critical approach shedding light on global health issues, agendas and positions, unpacking opaque processes and revealing stakeholder intentions and interests.
The journey from a solo media entrepreneur in 2020 to an influential newsletter with 6000+ readers in more than 135 countries in a span of four years. Our timeline:
We strive to be the most trusted source of global health journalism. Donor contributions are important in nurturing our initiative even as we strive to become self-reliant. Our goal is to promote public engagement in global health decision-making by providing an authoritative forum for discussion.
Investigative Journalism
Educational Workshops
Diversity in Voices
Woman-led Initiative
Geneva is the nerve-center of global health, where public and private interests converge to exert their influence in shaping policy-making. Our journalism takes a critical approach shedding light on global health issues, agendas and positions, unpacking opaque processes and revealing stakeholder intentions and interests.
The journey from a solo media entrepreneur in 2020 to an influential newsletter with 6000+ readers in more than 135 countries in a span of four years. Our timeline: